Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tutorial Install Windows 7 Ultimate

Here I will tell you step by step how to install Windows 7 Ultimate for computers that have not installed the operating system. Steps taken were:The process of setting in the BIOS: Turn on the computer, then go into the BIOS for setting up the initial boot OS (operating system) Change the initial setting boot to the CD ROM / DVD ROM, click F5 to use the keyboard to move the boot sequence Before you exit or exit the BIOS, insert the DVD Windows 7 Ultimate. Then press the F10 key SAVE & EXIT (depending on the BIOS settings). Then the system will restart the computer: DInstall process of Windows 7 UltimateAfter the restart wait until...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Convert Video With iWisoft Free Video Converter

By using computers, we can enjoy the convenience to access various types of media. We can see the collection of photos, listening to music and watch movies or videos. Movies or video stored on our computers in a variety of different formats. Some of the formats that quite often we meet is AVI, MPEG, DivX, FLV, and so on. Which sometimes becomes a problem is, not all devices can use all existing video formats. For example, when we want to play the video on our phones, sometimes we have to convert into 3GP format in advance, unless we use smartphones.   To change the video format that we have, we can use iWisoft Free Video Converter...
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